The EAPA-SA Western Cape Chapter held another very insightful, challenging and thought provoking chapter meeting on the 6th of April. Hosted by Old Mutual and Presented by Niel Victor (Clinical and Research Psychologist), the topic was “Cultural diversity in the workplace:  The special case of sexual and gender diverse people”.

The event was the first of the Chapter Developmental meetings which are planned for this year. The goal of these events is to provide members with developmental opportunities, networking opportunities and the acquisition of CPD points were applicable.

The session attracted 22 attendees with persons from the City of Cape Town, PRASA, SAPS and several smaller entities and private practitioners / associates.
This presentation provided practitioners with a basic model that is useful in making sense of the myriad and often confusing ways in which sexual and gender diversity is viewed.  This was followed by a discussion of the Psychological Society of South Africa’s (PsySSA) sexual and gender diversity position statement that provides a basis for an affirmative approach when working with this key area of cultural diversity in the workplace.

The presentation raised may questions and resulted in much interesting discussion

Everyone seemed pleased with the quality of the event and there are high hopes for the future events planned (See Chapter Meeting schedule here for more details.



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