SAQA Application for Professional Guidelines | EAPA-SA

SAQA Professional Designations

Take a look at the guidelines

SAQA_LogoIntroduction and Background of SAQA Professional Designations Project

Employee Assistance Professionals Association of South Africa (EAPA-SA) has emerged from the involvement of various professions and occupations in work organizations and has evolved into a profession with its own identity complete with a set of core technology, standards and ethics for practice. EAPA-SA was established as the official voice of EAP.

One of EAPA-SA’s strategic goals is to earn full statutory status for EA practice to protect the clients and client systems receiving these services as well as those professionals that provide these by regulating practice.

EAPA-SA has been recognised as a Professional Association in 2013 by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and as such, has registered professional designations for the National Learner Records Database (NLRD). This recognition has enhanced the emerging profession of Employee Assistance in South Africa and given more credibility to EAPA-SA in it oversight and guardianship role.

“Professional designation” means a title or status conferred by a professional body in recognition of a person’s expertise and right to practice in occupational field.

The NLRD is an integrated information system to facilitate management of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). It was created to provide employers and learners with proof of qualifications obtained; policy decision making and to provide information for career development and advice.

EAPA-SA awards four designations of SAQA approved accreditations: EA Coordinator, EA Practitioner, EA Professional and EA Specialist. SAQA requires all EAPA-SA individual members to be awarded a professional designation and their details to be loaded onto the NLRD. This process is done in two load cycles a year in April and September. An awarded designation is valid for a year and must be renewed and updated annually.

EAPA-SA membership with professional designation is linked to Continuous Professional Development and Recognition of Prior Learning which enable members to maintain their membership status and progress along an identified career path.

2. People Responsible

Membership and Chapter Development – Lucricia Nkambule


  • Validates applications
  • Reviews application against the criteria
  • Coordinates the professional designation adjudication process of the committee
  • Awards the correct accreditation
  • Oversees the membership document management; NLRD dataload and communication with SAQA

Contact details:

Phone: 083 276 9287


Membership Coordinator 


  • Receiving and checking the application and supporting documents
  • Preparing the application for committee adjudication
  • Capturing members details into EAPA-SA membership database, Edu.dex spread sheet for upload to SAQA data base and submission in load cycle
  • Managing members folders and issuing Designation Certificates

Contact details:

Phone: 012 346 4430

Email address:


3. Board Members responsibility

All Chapter Chairpersons are to ensure that any applications sent to the head office via them, are complete and all documentation is submitted as per the provided document checklist. They must also ensure that the correct membership fee is paid and the correct form has been used.

4. Project aims and goals

The project purpose is to elevate the status of individual membership by awarding a professional designation.

The project aims at improving compliance to SAQA criteria for recognition (green status) by having more than 75% of our members awarded accreditation’s and uploaded onto the NLRD database.

The goals:

  1. Is to award members with the correct designation according to their qualifications, experience and scope of practice.
  2. To provide guidance on professional development
  3. To provide guidance on career progression

5. Guide for Professional Designation

Click here to download the EAPA-SA Guide for professional designation.

Members must please ensure that the following documentations are included with their membership application.

  1. Completed online membership application form
  2. Certified copy of identity document
  3. Certified copies of educational qualifications
  4. Certified copy of registration certificate with the relevant professional council or associations
  5. Proof of current registration with respective professional council or‎ association
  6. Curriculum Vitae
  7. CPD certificate or Proofs of attendance.


The reality today is that EAP’s operate in a dynamic environment where the needs of communities grow. Rapidly changing technologies and the demands on professionals becomes increasingly complex. All these global trends have heightened the demand for Employee Assistance EA Professionals and Practitioners who possess advanced skills and have demonstrated their expertise and commitment to on-going education by
earning a professional designation.

Maintaining industry recognised accreditations can provide numerous benefits, including improved career prospects and enhanced earning power. It is an undisputable fact that certifications are valuable for EA Practitioners’ and Professionals’ career advancement. Not only can certifications help individuals differentiate themselves in the market place, but they also serve as an indicator to employers that a potential hire has the requisite skills to perform a specific job or service. Thus, many employers support on-going learning and accreditation for their employees to develop a more skilled workforce. Certification can become a definite predictive criterion for successful job performance.

In the years ahead, organisations are likely to place even more value on certification as means of differentiating top candidates. Employers are likely to look to those who can demonstrate their knowledge in niche areas through a combination of work experience and the formal training and education gained during the certification process.