Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Paid up EAPA-SA members have access to the full members section of this website. If you are interested in becoming an EAPA-SA member, please apply using our online forms. 

If you have any queries about membership, you can email our Office Manager, at officemanager@eapasa.co.za or call Theresa at the EAPA-SA Main Office on 012 346 4430.

1. What are the membership benefits?

Th full list of Membership Benefits can be found here

    2.  What is the duration of a membership? 

    Starting from 1st January to 31st December.

    3.  What are the membership fees? 

    R350.00 for Student Membership

    R600.00 for Individual Membership

    R2,000.00 for Service Providers

    4. Is there a pro rata fee? 

    No, there is no pro rata payment thus if a member joins later in the year they are to pay the full amount.

    5.   Will you post certificates?  

    No, the certificate will be provided in electronic form via email.

    6. What qualification do I need to become a member? 

    Any studies related to the EAP and wellness field.