We are thrilled to announce the first round of speakers for Eduweek 2019 with many more to come in the following weeks. These speakers are coming from around the globe to share their knowledge and expertise with you through a variety of workshops and talks.

Have a look through the bios below and click here to read more on the Eduweek website 

Mrs. Rozelda Elliott

Presentation Title: The Pursuit of Excellence


Rozelda Elliott has been working for the Clicks Group for the past 20 years and has extensive experience in the retail industry with a key focus on employee wellness. She is the president of the Retailers Initiative in the Western Cape. The Clicks Group was just awarded Best Brand Award for Wellness within the workplace. The employee wellness programme of the organisation has been in existence for 12 years and I would like to showcase the pillars that sustain the programme within as well as the strides made in altering certain behaviour within the workplace. Further to this I would like to demonstrate the evolution of the programme over time. I have been employed within the Clicks Group for over twenty years and have vast experience in managing the complexities of a wellness programme with such a diverse workforce.


Ms. Pelokazi Madlingozi

Presentation Title: Practical Integration of Spirituality with Orthodox EAP interventions

Pelokazi Madlingozi is a qualified physiotherapist & coach, who has worked within the holistic wellness space since 2000. She is also a practicing holistic indigenous healer (mind, body and soul) & developed the templates for integration of spirituality within the PHS Holistic EAP services.

I am a Holistic Healing Practitioner, having started my Personal Transformation/ Spiritual journey in 2002. I underwent Self-Actualization and Life Purpose processes by transformation guru, Dr Baruch Banai (Insight Training Centre-ITC). In 2004, I underwent Gift of Life, Divine Guidance and Life processes by Shamanic Master, Charlotte Spyridonova.


Ms. Sixolile Ngcobo

Presentation Title: Gender Diversity at the workplace: an asset or liability?

Sixolile Ngcobo is a gender and development specialist who is a practising EAP Practioner since 2016, Ngcobo works as the Provincial Manager for the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) a Constitutional Body mandated by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Section 187 to promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality. Ngcobo, has work experience spanning over 16 years in the gender and development sector, where she has acquired a lot of research and analytical skills on policy and practice of institutions in relation to gender equality and gender diversity in the workplace. Her current job at the CGE exposes her to monitor and evaluate the policies and practise of both public and private institutions that employ people in terms of their compliance.


Mr. Louis Servizio

Presentation Title: Introducing New Tools and Technology to Measure the Impact of Workplace Critical Incident Responses

Louis Servizio is an internationally recognized expert in developing tools to measure the financial impact of physical and behavioural interventions, has recently developed a calculator to convert the outcomes from the CIOM into financial results. Lou had already launched a sister calculator (the EAP ROI Calculator) in South Africa at last year’s conference. Lou holds an MBA/MS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Finance and an AB in Mathematics from Holy Cross College. He is the developer of WELLCAST ROI, the most widely utilized ROI software for the measurement of outcomes of preventive care programs worldwide.



Dr. Fundile Nyati

Presentation Title: Practical Challenges That Are Posed by Cultural Syndromes Within the EAP context in SA Workplaces

Dr Fundile Nyati is a qualified Specialist Family Physician, experienced Healthcare entrepreneur and Healthcare industry thought leader who is the founder and current CEO of 20-year-old Proactive Health Solutions (Pty) Ltd, a leading integrated Employee Health and Wellness company in South Africa. In partial fulfilment of his post-graduate studies towards Masters in Family Medicine (M.Fam.Med) qualification at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in the late 90s, Dr Fundile Nyati conducted research in the area of African Traditional Medicine or African Indigenous Healing entitled “Use of Traditional Healers By Urban Black Africans – A Family Practitioner’s Perspective”.


Pravesh Bhoodram giving us strategic insight on EAP Wellness

Dr. Pravesh Bhoodram 

Presentation Title: Unethical Management Decisions: How to deal with the fallout 


Mandala Dot Art Workshop

Dr Bhoodram has been an EAPA-SA Board member since 1998. He is regarded internationally as one of the pioneers of the EAP in the Public Service in SA. Dr Bhoodram is the first and only South African to have served on the International Work life committee and was also appointed in August 2004 onto the Global EAP task team that took the EAP to all countries around the world. Dr. Bhoodram is the FIRST individual from the African Continent in the EAP field to be awarded an International Special Recognition award in Vancouver for his contribution to the EAP field in South Africa up to 2001. He served as EAPASA President from 2002 – 2005 – the only president to serve two terms. As the President of EAPA South Africa he received a second international award, on November 20 – 2004, at the conference in San Francisco. He competed against EAP’s from 23 countries for this award. He has served as a council member on the Allied Health Professionals Council of South Africa from 2007-2015 and was responsible for the Council’s Strategic plan. He also chaired the finance committee.


We will be adding speakers all the time. Please visit www.eapasaeduweek.co.za for the most up to date listings