22 February Egoli Event: Calculate the Rate of Return on Investment of EA Programmes | EAPA-SA



Date of Course:           Friday 22 February 2019

Registration:               8:30

Training:                     9:00 – 14:00 followed by a light finger lunch

Venue:                         NBC Holdings, Max Maisela Park, 22 Ridge Road, Park Town

Course:                        Calculate the Rate of Return on Investment of Employee Assistance Programmes

Registration Fee:       R150.00 for registered EAPA-SA members

                                       R250.00 for non-members

Lou Servizio and Flavia Pessoa from Disease Management Strategy Group, Brazil: Well-known experts in the fields of monitoring and evaluation and specifically Return on Investment in the EAP field.

Objective: Provide the necessary knowledge and skills to calculate the rate of return (ROI) on Employee Assistance Programmes.


Who Should Attend:

  • EAP Providers
  • HR Personnel
  • Benefits Managers
  • Finance Department Managers
  • Procurement and Personnel Responsible for Purchasing EAP´s
  • Health Plan, Benefits Management and Brokerage Company Personnel


Topics to be Covered:

  • What are the cost savings associated with EAP´s (reduction in productivity losses, accidents, turnover, insurance premiums and/or medical costs) and how to calculate each;
  • How to calculate the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) and how to apply each to investments in EAP´s;
  • How to determine the effectiveness of EAP´s and how to determine breakeven PEPM´s, utilization rates, and effectiveness rates; and
  • How to quantify the financial benefit to employees in terms of savings in out of pocket provider expenses.


Additional information about the course:

  • The course is sponsored by the Department of Social Work and Criminology, University of Pretoria
  • The course is hosted by Egoli Chapter of EAPA-SA with contact person: Thabelo Manebaneba at tmanebaneba@icas.co.za
  • RSVP: 13 February 2019 to tmanebaneba@icas.co.za
  • Please note that limited seating is available, you are to confirm your booking at your earliest convenience so as not to be disappointed.
  • Contact person ito Workshop contents: Prof Lourie Terblanche – lourie.terblanche@up.ac.za