The theme for the 2017 Conference is RESPONSE-ability: Engaging to Shape the Ideal Workplace

– EAP can be proactive instead of reactive
– EAP in response to modern day organisational issues
– EAP will help produce strategic responses to help achieve organisational goals
– EAP as Social Responsibility
– Employees get to take responsibility through skills developed through EAP Programmes
– Everyone has the ‘ability’ to be responsible

The inspiration for our conference theme artwork:
Hands are used to get noticed (put hand up, tap someone on shoulder) = RESPONSIVE
and a symbol for helping, support, togetherness / teamwork = RESPONSIBLE

We will come together at the 19th Annual conference of EAPA SA taking Continuous Professional Development to new heights. Look forward to Employee and Organisational service innovations, industry updates, latest research, new resources and trending debates that will strengthen your programme design for more value and impact.

Date: 19-22 September 2017

Venue: Emperors Palace Convention Centre, Gauteng


If you have any questions, all the conference information will be available from April on the website. Otherwise please contact the conference organising team at or call them on 021 447 0321

You will receive an email when the Call for Speakers and Delegate Registrations are open.