With ‘change’ being at the centre of the new normal. No ‘post-pandemic’ EAP webinar education series would be complete without examining what it takes to embrace change – particularly as EAP practitioners and service providers are having to embrace change as well as support their clients to do the same.  As a registered psychologist with approaching twenty years’ experience – and extensive experience in trauma and EAP – Safia Joseph of Careways Wellness gave an inspirational EduWeb presentation on 27 November that was chock-a-block with information on the importance and effects of change, and how to make the most of riding the wave of change.

In the light of the rapid change brought by the coronavirus pandemic, Safia provided a very useful metaphor: painting a picture of unforeseen change being as if one is suddenly swept into the ocean surf from the perceived safety of having one’s feet firmly planted in the sand. Safia tied the main concerns that surround change to trends that are currently shaping the future of work and provided great insights on what it will take to stay relevant in the future world of work.

At the heart of Safia’s presentation was the important message that there is no going back.  We are all out to sea and ‘the ocean is our new home’. The people who will survive, be they employers or employees will  be the ones who learn to tread water – for now – and then learn to surf the waves of change.

Here is a snippet from Safia’s presentation – the outline of five tips if you are struggling with rapid and chaotic change:

  1. Embrace that change is the new competitive edge
  2. Look for the patterns
  3. Take advantage of career agility
  4. Get good at identifying and creating the change that needs to happen
  5. Keep in touch with what is going on inside and outside your organisation

For a deeper dive into the detail that underpins these great guidelines, order a rebroadcast of this webinar here.

In the Q&A session, Andre Cloete, President of EAPA-SA’s Egoli chapter asked Safia how we (as EA service providers and practitioners) should prepare for the second wave of mental health issues that are expected by many researchers and writers.  Safia’s reply to this complex question was that “at least this time we know that the wave is coming and so the industry will not be blindsided”. From an EAP industry perspective, she spoke of the great benefits to be found in EA practitioners and service providers sharing information and professional insights, whether it be in our organisations, or regionally and nationally as EAPA-SA members. This is exactly the purpose of the Eduweb educational series and why EAPA-SA will always encourage interaction between attendees so that we can learn from one another.

Click here to order a rebroadcast of this valuable EduWeb webinar.