EAPA-SA’s Jacaranda chapter is the largest chapter in South Africa with 77 registered members.
Chairman, Rivalani Mkasi, is a qualified Social Worker with B & M Degrees from the North West University, and who is currently pursuing an MBA degree. He has 9 years of experience in the field of Employee Health and Wellness. He joined the Department of Labour in 2012 as a Manager responsible for Employee Health and Wellness, Gender, Disability and Youth Programmes. He has been a member on EAPA-SA within the Jacaranda Chapter since 2009, and in 2015 was elected as Chairperson of the Jacaranda Chapter commencing in August 2016.
The current committee comprises:
- Deputy Chairperson: Sarah Mokori
- General Secretary: Louis Marakalla
- Treasurer: Dikeledi Mahlaba
- Conference and Events Coordinator: Nani Legwale
- Membership and Chapter Development: Mohau Seitsang
- Education: Ephenia Monama
- Marketing: Dibuseng Khunwane
The chapter membership is split between Tshwane and the North West Province, with Tshwane in the majority. The predominant industry among Jacaranda members are from the public sector which includes government, municipalities and state-owned entities. The chapter currently has 5 services providers registered with the Board.
The new executive is yet to undergo strategic planning session to plan for 2017 calendar year. However the following activities will feature on Jacaranda’s plan:
- CPD Certificate Seminars (One international seminar to be arranged jointly with Egoli Chapter between May and April 2017)
- Community Outreach projects
- Annual General Meeting
- Pre and/or Post EAPA Conference Seminar
- Fundraising Gala Dinner (Year End)
- Sports and Wellness events
The location of Jacaranda Chapter in Tshwane SA’s Executive Seat of government and home to many SEO’s and large, medium and small corporations provides the chapter with a huge membership base of EAP and Wellness Practitioners – as attested to by their attendance at the annual conference where Jacaranda Chapter has the majority of conference delegates each year, with 77 attending the most recent 2016 conference. The chapter also boasts being located in a city with universities offering qualifications in behavioural sciences such as psychology and social work which are key in EAP practice. In addition both the UP and UNISA offers short courses which are key to EAP. The Executive of the EAP Jacaranda Chapter therefore has set itself a challenge of placing Jacaranda as a leading EAPA-SA Chapter in terms of membership and professional designation. This will be done through the use of various models such as Management Consultations where leadership will meet with top and senior management of various organisations to market EAP standards as part of marking EAPA-SA; EAP membership recruitment drives; partnerships with institutions of Higher Learning for ease of student recruitment and guest lecturing on EAP.
Chairman, Rivalani Mkasi says, Being based in Tshwane provides Jacaranda Chapter with a host of opportunities along the lines of membership recruitment, access to institutions of higher learning for the purpose of accessing experts in the field of EAP and Wellness, partnership opportunities with NGO’s and other organisations with interest in EAP/Wellness as well as accessibility to resources (infrastructure; financial; and human). Being based in Tshwane can also provide the chapter with the challenges of getting its members to participate in its activities, since there are a lot of initiatives, (some similar to what the chapter might plan) held by different organisations which might keep people occupied thought-out. It might also present the challenge of competition for same resources from other NGO’s and Organisations who might be intending to implement similar projects and programmes. It therefore calls for the Executive to be relevant, up-to-date, and to strive for topical issues to pursue and also to have a strong business case to position EAPA Jacaranda Chapter on a good footing to secure partnerships and resources.
To visit the chapter or contact the Chapter Chairperson, please visit their page https://www.eapasa.co.za/jacaranda/