Date: 17 March 2020


Dear Delegates, Members and Stakeholders, 

In light of President Ramaphosa’s address on Sunday 15th of March 2020 regarding the Covid-19 outbreak and the state of disaster restrictions that the Government has imposed to curb the spread of this virus in South Africa, the EAPASA Board and Eduweek Organising Committee have been in discussion as to how this will impact the upcoming events hosted by our organisation.

The health and safety of our members, delegates and stakeholders are our top-most priority and so we are being proactive as well as vigilant in adhering to the NICD and South African Government guidelines for combating the virus. 

Gatherings for events of 100 people or more have been prohibited. This measure, announced yesterday, is valid for three months in terms of the South African Disaster Act, after which it will be reviewed.

As yet there is no decision to cancel EAPASA Eduweek 2020. We are hopeful that in a few months the virus will be contained. We are being optimistic, and at the same time realistic. We will not put any of our delegates, members and stakeholders at risk, and we will take the necessary decisions, when the time is right, to keep everyone safe.

The Board will keep monitoring developments as they happen and watch out for announcements from the NICD and other official Government Departments and Institutions. We will continue to review this impending decision, as well as update you as and when we receive new information on the spread of the virus. 

EAPASA Eduweek 2020 from 15th -18th September is set to be held at Sun City, North West.

Sun City has communicated their preparedness plans which include: 

  • Hand sanitizer in all reception, entrances and staff entrance
  • FOH guest messaging, reminding of the importance and hand sanitizing 
  • All chefs and housekeeping  personnel wearing gloves 
  • Hand sanitizer devices and sanitizing wet-wipe devices deployed at all biometric clock stations
  • Awareness material deployed in all kitchens/canteens and at biometric clock stations 
  • Awareness messages displayed on all canteen screens
  • 2 staff members dedicated to lift button/touch point sanitizing
  • Hand sanitizers installed in all the busses & shuttles 

The full Sun City preparedness plan can be found here

In the days ahead, in association with your Chapter Chairpersons, we will keep you informed as to the possibility that EAPA-SA Chapter meetings may be cancelled in the short-term or migrate to being on-line.

We are keeping abreast of all developments and will continue sending updates via our websites and and our social media channels 


We would like to recommend the following resources for your further reading: 

  • Hotline Numbers:
    1. Department of Health WhatsApp service where news; info; questions and updates regarding the #coronavirus is available. Simply add this number: 060 0123456 as a WhatsApp contact and type Hi in the message block. They will then send you a menu to choose from and you can use this to get regular updates. 
    2. Corona Virus Outbreak 24-Hour Hotline Number: 0800 029 999


On behalf of the Eduweek Organising Committee, we would like to reiterate that the safety of our members, delegates and all stakeholders is of the utmost importance.

Enquiries about Eduweek can be directed to:

Phone: 0214470321



Kind Regards 

Ms. Thiloshni Govender

EAPASA President 


This web page on will be updated as we receive new information on the situation