Progressive organisations embrace the value of a strategic planning exercise as a mechanism to give direction and propel the organisation forward.   A successful outcome of any strategic planning outcome is expressed in clear measurable goals, SMART objective (specific, measurable, achievable/assignable, realistic, and time-bound), and concrete milestones towards achieving organisational goals within a specific time-period.

Being a progressive, forward-looking, and a respected association for persons in the employee assistance field, Employee Assistance Professionals Association of South Africa (EAPASA) held its strategic planning session on the 07-09 February 2019 in Pretoria to map its strategic direction for the next five years amidst the buzz around the fourth industrial revolution (4IR).

Borrowing from Robert H Schaffer’s saying that ‘nothing drives performance more than performance itself’, the EAPASA Board engaged in robust discussions building from sterling achievements of the past five years; such as publishing and releasing the EAPASA history book, winning the coveted Best International Chapter of the Year 2018, and the Best Large Association Conference as well as being commended for our E-Newsletter being a success story at the Africa Association Ceremony 2018. Therefore, the current narrative of excellence had to inform the plans for the next five (5) years (2019 – 2023) in positioning EAPASA as the industry leader in the field of EAP.

Emerging from the strategic session are four (4) clear strategic goals:

  1. Pursuing the attainment of statutory status with added impetus.
  2. Ensuring organisational sustainability through stabilizing and growing both our finances and membership base.
  3. Tightening governance protocols and oversight over the association’s operations.
  4. Cementing and growing our stakeholder management footprint.

These goals are underpinned by specific milestones and action; and were assigned champions to drive.

The EAPASA Board is ready and able to steer the association forward with the plans crafted at the strategic planning session.

We therefore call upon our current and future members, our stakeholders and sponsors to continue being a bedrock of support in our endeavour to achieving the vision outlined as follows by the association’s President, Ms Thiloshni Govender, in her opening address at the session:

  • A Board and Chapters as EAP guardians with sound governance, who are responsive to the needs of our members.
  • Membership that is truly representative of EA/WP practice in South Africa today.
  • Vibrant chapters and social media platforms for members to be heard and to participate in EAPASA activities.
  • Recognition of members, service providers and work organisations through accreditation and certification.
  • A driving role in the EAP education and training environment so that we expand from CPD to EAP qualifications that are recognised by the NQF.
  • Strong partnerships with stakeholders and our fellow African EAP cohort.
Jimmy John Lenong

Jimmy John Lenong

Marketing Portfolio

Jimmy has a qualification in B Soc. Sc. Hons (Psychology) [University of North-West]. He started his career as a Social worker and since 2007 he has been in the role of Deputy Director Employee Health and Wellness at the Department of Correctional Services. He was the founding member of the EAPASA Free State Chapter and he presided over the EAPASA Free State Chapter as the Chairperson from 2015 till 2018. Jimmy believes in servant leadership, when trusted with serving for a greater good, he will always step forward to serve.

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