EAPA-SA places tremendous value on Corporate Social Responsibility, and has proudly supported community based projects in the recent years. This involvement in CSR projects is rooted in the belief that we want to make a difference and truly add value to people’s lives’ in the communities in which many of our members operate. This belief coupled with the fact that 2017 has been declared the year of children, themed “Reach Out and Touch Someone”; Therefore, Egoli chapter of EAPA-SA has identified for outreach and assistance the Look Forward Creativity Centre. It is an organisation commitment towards uplifting communities and supporting as well as improving the quality of life of vulnerable children.

The identified centre is a non-profit organisation situated in Steeledale in Ekhuruleni and takes care of the welfare and educational needs of abandoned, orphaned or abused children and those children whose parents are unable to care for them due to mental or physical incapacity. Look Forward Creativity Centre’s primary purpose is to provide these children who range in ages from new born babies (0 months) to 18 years with clothing, shelter, schooling, food, security, therapeutic support and, training and life skills training. They also provide similar assistance to up 400 needy families in the greater surrounding community through their outreach programme. To accomplish this they rely heavily on donations of any kind from the public and other outside organisations.

The Egoli chapter of EAPA-SA is hosting this year’s EAPA-SA 2017 Annual conference at Emperor’s Palace Convention Center which situated in the Metropolis of Ekhuruleni from the 19th- 22nd September 2017. Look Forward Creativity Centre has an extensive list of day-to-day needs and items on their wish list which the EAPA-SA Egoli chapter would like to assist with. During the conference the chapter will host a drive to collect some of these items. We therefore make a friendly appeal to all organisations exhibiting and all delegates attending the conference to donate any items from the wish list below:

  • Clothes – (please note that the ages of children range from 0 months to 18 years)
  • Non-perishable food
  • Toys
  • Toiletries
  • Reading books
  • Stationery
  • Washing Powder and cleaning agents

Look Forward Creativity Centre offers children in need much more and those interested to give more or get more involved, can read more about their programmes and projects on their website at www.lookforwardcreativitycentre.org.za

EAPA-SA would like to acknowledge the generous cash donation already made towards this centre by Careways and the Life –Occupational Health Group.


We look forward to your assistance. Please be on the look-out for strategically placed collection boxes at the conference venue where you can drop off your donations.









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