Limpopo Chapter of EAPA-SA is growing its market base
The chairperson of Limpopo Chapter EAPA-SA says, “It is inspiring to reflect that over the past 24 months to date the Chapter is growing in terms of membership, stakeholder partnership, financial sustainability and collaboration of EAP services amongst the practitioners. This milestone is due to the collaborative work of the committee members, National Office administration staff as well as board support and leadership, for which the Chapter is very much grateful.”
Membership and 2018 Upcoming Events
In line with the vision and mission of the Association, our members are aware of, and demand the fulfilment of their rights and responsibilities of ensuring their continuous professional development (CPD); keeping abreast of professional knowledge pertaining to the industry of Employee Health and Wellness -with or without the support of their employers. Members are committed to attending the annual conference and Chapter activities despite hurdles encountered in the process. Conference attendance for 2016 was 38, and in 2017 was 33; and current membership who attend Chapter activities average 40 with paid-up members who hold a professional designation totalling eighteen. It is a reality and a concern that the majority of members are from the young upcoming generation while the older generation are dormant and a strategy is required to bring them on board to renew their membership and participate in Chapter activities.
EAPA –SA Limpopo Chapter: Annual Plan Activities 2018
The Chapter is committed to continue serving its members and the following upcoming events are planned for 2018 which members should diarise and hold the committee accountable.
Committee planning a seminar and AGM for its members
Stakeholder Engagement
Limpopo Chapter has marketed itself around the Province and has the support and a long term relationship with various local Stakeholders such as Old Mutual, Capitec, Sanlam and the Kgomano NGO. The Chapter is acknowledged even during times of bereavement as a supportive structure because of the existing partnerships. The Chapter adopted Kgomano NGO as a CSI project in order to lobby and advocate assistance on their behalf; and Sanlam was able to offer a helping hand. Through the support of the Stakeholders for the past year to date the Chapter was able to carry out its activities and increase the financial base. The Chapter recognised their stakeholders during their AGM by awarding them certificates.
Stakeholders Recognition Awards
EAP practices and programmes
Limpopo Province is characterised by peace, diversity, vastness, and predominantly rural and scarce human resources. EAP services are a scarce skill in the various Government Departments, Municipality and the private sector. However, the impact of the EAP programme is visible and making a good positive impact on the workforce and the employer because of the following practices that EAP practitioners have adopted in the Province.
a) Service Collaboration: The Practitioners in the various departments are sharing their expertise and working as a team to facilitate team building and organisational development sessions which are proving to be quite critical in the organisation resulting in the demand for the service growing from management. As EAP professionals we have to be ready and competent to fulfil the task.
b) Immediate Access during Crisis Intervention: As EAP professionals in the Province, we work as a team from various departments to respond immediately, outside of working hours, during a crisis incident to offer trauma debriefing to employees, management and families.
c) Management Support and Consultation: During networking as EAP professionals, it is evident that EAP services are well marketed and valued in our organisations. Management and supervisors make referrals for advice on various types of cases that will affect the wellbeing of employees. For example when an employee tender searly retirement applications, they are requested to consult with EAP for advice. When employees resign they get referred for EAP advice and when employees are about to receive ‘back pay’ EAP is roped in to assist with financial planning.
d) EAP role in Disease Management: Of late the majority of ill health cases are referred to EAP for intervention and recommendation by the Health Risk Manager. In one of the departments the auditors made a recommendation that all cases of PILIR should be referred for EAP attention. They wish to see clear indications that employees are being referred to EAP for support. This is another area where EAP is featuring quite strongly.
In conclusion, the Chairperson urges Limpopo Chapter members to renew their membership and obtain their professional designation so that they are part of the history of EAPA-SA towards obtaining the statutory status.
These are membership benefits which you could miss out on:
a) Professional network local and international: Sharing ideas and best practices to improve our programs; platform to debrief and de-stress.
b) Better work prospects and career patching
c) Professional Designation is linked to CPD and Recognition of Prior Learning
d) Access to special articles in the Newsletter for registered members ONLY
e) Work –life balance: Discount with Tempest Car Hire and accommodation bookings when going for holidays with your family.
Compiled by: Chuene L.G
Chairperson: EAPA –SA Limpopo Chapter.
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