Chapter Focus: Egoli Chapter | EAPA-SA

Egoli Chapter Chairperson, Andiswa Lefakane, gives us insights into the chapter.

What makes Egoli chapter unique?
The Egoli Chapter is unique in the sense that it is positioned in the capital city where the majority of service providers have their headquarters. It is, therefore, the chapter with the highest number of service providers as its members.

How does joining your chapter benefit your members?
Joining the chapter affords you a platform for continuous professional development, networking and keeping abreast with the trends in the market place through interaction with your counterparts and from the quality of discussions and speakers at the chapter meetings.

What has been the chapter highlight over the past 12 months?
The seminar with Prof Paul Maiden who is the icon of EAP globally, being the hosting chapter for the 2017 annual conference, identifying a CSI project for the chapter and winning the chapter of the year award.


What do you have in the pipeline for the following 12 months?
Right now, the chapter has an up and coming AGM and the `Care of the Caregiver’ event to close 2017. This event is usually the apex of the year as it specifically designed to pamper the members after a long year of toiling.

What developments in EAP practices and programmes have you seen come to the fore in your region the past 24 months?
We have seen a growing interest, not just from the individual members but from the employers as well. There is also an appreciation of the usage of EAPA-SA standards in practice and this is evident in the eagerness to attend chapter meetings. We also saw our uptake on professional designations which is a sign that people do not want to practice without having proper certification.

How do you see the EAP / Health & Wellness impacting the good of the workforce in your region?
I see it having a positive impact in the social wellbeing of the workforce, particularly on the Old Mutual financial educational programme which has been adopted and rolled out by the majority of our members in the workplace.

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Andiswa Lefakane

Andiswa Lefakane

Chapter Development and Membership

Andiswa Lefakane is a qualified Social Worker, HR Practitioner and a Coach with a Masters in SWK (Employee Assistance Programme). She is the Founder and CEO of Zadok Global Institute of Standards an organisation that focuses on Performance Standard Coaching in order to create Standards Consciousness in people. She previously fulfilled the role of a Chairperson for the Egoli Branch of EAPA-SA (an association for Employee Assistance Practitioners) and was a board member thereof.

She was an executive Director and a shareholder at People’s Health Providers a primary healthcare and employee wellness organisation.As a Social Worker, Andiswa has also worked for organisations such as Kwa Ndebele government and NICRO, she then acquired an HR qualification with the Institute of Personnel Management which diverted her career into the HR field.