Dear Valued EAPA-SA Member
On behalf of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association of South Africa (EAPASA) Board, I would like to sincerely thank you for your continued support of the association.
As a result of the turbulent financial climate our country and the global economy is embroiled in, companies and associations such as EAPASA find themselves in a position where they have to make pragmatic decisions. As part of our financial sustainability strategy, the EAPASA Board resolved to discontinue the benefit which allowed conference attendees to claim a complementary annual membership.
You will recall that in the interest of our members, for the past 3 years we have absorbed the increased cost of hosting the conference, thereby allowing members to pay the minimum possible for such an event.
With membership and conference revenue being our biggest source of income, rest assured that the above is not a decision that has been taken lightly. As an association we shall continue exploring various options of maximizing the benefits you derive from your EAPASA membership.
We are looking forward to engaging with you during the online events which we are planning for the duration of this period of restriction.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Andiswa Lefakane
EAPASA Membership and Chapter Development
1 July 2020