Ikhala Chapter’s Annual Seminar Presents: Holistic Approaches to Wellness

This year’s annual seminar seeks to address Holistic approaches towards Employee Wellness and Bi-polar  disorder in the workplace as well as Incapacity Management.

Date: 22.06.2017
Time: 08:30 promptly to 15:00
Venue: East London Golf Club
Registration Fee: R1 500

For catering and venue hire purposes kindly RSVP to Prema Naidoo by 19.06.2017 on ikhalachapter@gmail.com or phone 083 799 5878

Ikhala Chapter Banking details:
Bank:   First National Bank
Name:   Eapa Ikhala
Branch:   Bhisho
Account:   621 026 711 05

Regrettably no RSVP=no seat

Meet our speakers…

Name :  Lorraine Holmberg

Topic  : “Noticing self, and the rhythm of your moods”.

Lorraine Holmberg is a Counselling Psychologist with many years of experience graduating from Fort Hare with Masters Cum Laude.  She is currently in private practice in East London.

Aspects covered and you will learn about:

1.The DSM5 diagnosis of Bi-Polar disorder

2.Bi-Polar disorder in the workplace


Name :  Dr Lulu Booi

Topic  :  Alternative methods to addiction therapy

Sakhile Natural Health Centre trading as “Zest 4 Life”,  is a source for Natural Health Care. Their focus is combining the flesh, the blood and the spirit to make a complete body in good health, naturally.

Sakhile Zest 4 Life was founded in the year 2003 in Port Elizabeth, by Dr LL. Booi.


Dr Booi studied and gained various qualifications in colon hydro therapy,  psychology,  herbalism,  dietician, and homeopathy in the natural way. After studying she founded a company named Albimart traded as Zest 4 Life and she expanded gaining employees, training them, and sending them to school to further their studies and opening health clubs to let people know about natural medication, how it works and the benefits about using natural herbs. In the journey of expanding the company she lost one of her sons by the name of Sakhile. From the impact that Sakhile had in the company they decided to change the name and then the name of Sakhile Natural Centre was created.

“This is my passion and I know that given the chance to walk away tomorrow, I would not take it because the more time that goes by the more I get excited about Sakhile Zest 4 Life, Natural Health Care, the more I am hungry for more information to help people and families suffering and in need of treatment and spiritual growth.” (LL Booi)

Dr Booi insists that we need to shift the way we think within our organisation and ensures a totally unique experience!

You will learn:

1.More about natural remedies for addiction therapy


Name :  Mr Derick Bennito

Topic  :  Micro circulation

Mr Bennito’s interest was in Tasly’s business concept. Through training and the knowledge he gained about their way of treating the sick and keeping the healthy, healthy, his focus shifted and he developed a passion to learn more and to help our nation to live a healthier life. His studies with Tasly covered the following areas:

– Traditional Chinese Medicines and health products;
– Micro circulation Analysis System
– The Metabolic Syndrome
– Men and Women’s health

Mr Bennito qualified as a Tasly Lecturer on the 5th May 2004

You will learn:

1.More about Microcirculation

2.Traditional Chinese Medicine and it’s multi-protection function that can be used to prevent and treat illnesses.


Name : Mr OB Matshingana

Topic  :  Incapacity Management

Mr OB Matshingana is currently an independent contractor working at Discovery Limited dealing with reasonable income earning individuals, analysing asset values for the purpose of saving estate duty tax, drafting wills, instructions after ones death, formulating family trusts, also a testament that plays a role during ones lifetime and after death, business assurance in general, investments in general, group risk cover with free underwriting, group funerals with reasonable premiums, municipality councilor’s risk and property insurance, winding up estates and group as well as individual medical aid.

You will learn:

1.More about incapacity management from the Discovery view point


Directions to East London Golf Club

For directions from Umtata or Queenstown to the venue, kindly right click on the hyperlink provided and it will take you to Google maps.

From Umtata: Right click here and open hyperlink for directions from Umtata to ELGC

From Queenstown: Right click here and open hyperlink for directions from Queenstown to ELGC

Physical Address:
22 Gleneagles Road
Bunkers Hill
East London

coordinates: 32o 59′ 44.60″ S 27o 55′ 59.10″ E



EAPA-Ikhala Chapter Executive Members:
Bridgette Cain: Chairperson
Mbuyi Kahla-Ntsgangase: Vice Chair person
Ntebs Masemola: Marketing
Mpho Mohlomi: Education
Ntobs Mtetweni: Treasurer
Prema Naidoo: Secretary

Should you require more information please contact:   Prema Naidoo via email ikhalachapter@gmail.com  or phone 083 799 5878

Closing Date for RSVP






