EAPA-SA President, Tinyiko Godfrey Chabalala, featured in EAPA International Industry Spotlight

April 2016 EA Industry Spotlight

EA Professional Spotlight

Name and Position

Tinyiko Chabalala, Manager for Employee Wellness Programme Department of Economic Development, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Tinyiko is also the President for Employee Assistance Professional Association of South Africa (EAPA-SA) Branch.

What do you like best about working in the employee assistance field?
I enjoy working in a multidisciplinary team of social workers, psychologists, and other professionals, which creates a diversity of ideas and solutions.

What was your first EA job?
I started working in the EA field in 1992 as Employee Assistance Practitioner in the South African Police Services. I was primarily responsible for dealing with trauma and crisis intervention.

What is the most challenging part of your job?
Trying to bring happiness to people who are going through a difficult time in their life is challenging. However, the shortage of staffing and workloads is causing burnout among professionals – and that is the most serious challenge right now. On the plus side, working with a wide network of supports makes it at least a little easier to get by with the resources that are available.

When you’re not busy working, what inspires you?
I enjoy spending time with my family. Camping and angling (a method of fishing) are particularly pleasurable activities.

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