EAPA SA Nomination and Election Procedure

As you all know, without lending one’s voice to an organization which you value and have commitment, you have not contributed to its potential power and change. EAPA is in the midst of historical change – a new CEO, new staff, new direction and significant Board of Directors turnover. Change is upon us – EAPA needs you to be a part of the transformation!

Watch for the announcement about the EAPA Board of Directors’ election/referendum process in the next few weeks. Be a part of the evolution at EAPA!

You are receiving this message as initial notice that EAPA will be conducting a nomination and election process to fill open positions on the EAPA Board of Directors serving the 2016 – 2018 term. Open positions will include:
President Elect
Seven (7) At Large Directors, 4 U.S. based, 3 non-U.S. based. Per EAPA bylawsat least one At Large Director residing in the U.S. must be a member of a labor union and work in a labor employee assistance program.
Current EAPA President Elect Tamara Cagney, will assume the position of President for the 2016 – 2018 term, and current EAPA President Lucy

Henry will assume the position of Immediate Past President.
The Nominations Committee has begun work in preparation for this critical bi-annual event. That Committee is comprised of:

  • Steven Haught, current EAPA Immediate Past President, Chicago, IL
  • Pam Ruster, current EAPA Secretary-Treasurer, Greenwood, IN
  • Dan Hughes, current EAPA Director At Large, New York City, NY
  • Bryan Hutchinson, current EAPA Director At Large, Highlands Ranch, CO
  • Julia Bain, current member and CEAP, Albuquerque, NM
  • Jeff Christie, current member and CEAP, Fort Worth, TX
  • Andrea Landsman, current member and CEAP, Chicago, IL
  • Ayumi Nishikawa, current member and CEAP, Tokyo, Japan

A lot will be happening over the course of the next few months. A summary of the election cycle for 2016 is as follows:

  • Now through May 4, 2016 – Various communications to membership to raise awareness
  • May 5, 2016 through August 2, 2016 – Nomination period
  • August 3, 2016 through August 24, 2016 – Review of nominations, creation of slate
  • August 25, 2016 through September 23, 2016 – Election period (online voting)
  • November 2, 2016 – Installation of the 2016 – 2018 Board of Directors during EAPA’s Annual Business Meeting at the Annual World Conference, Chicago, IL

The election pages of the EAPA website are currently being created, and you will receive an additional notice when they are ready. During the interim, more information regarding the election process, Nomination Committee responsibilities, officer positions and their respective qualifications, duties and responsibilities, may be found in the EAPA Bylaws available online at www.eapassn.org/About/EAPA-Bylaws.

EAPA Nominations Committee