Important Notes To Remember:
- Please write and edit your proposal in a text editor (Notepad or Word Document – template at the bottom of this page), then cut and paste your text into the online submission form. Do not create your submission online as there is a risk that you can lose your work. (Prepare your submission on this Word Document template)
- Information marked with an asterisk (*) will be displayed EXACTLY AS YOU ENTER IT on the Eduweek website and published in the programme.
- Please have a high resolution head and shoulder photo ready when you do the online submission.
- Where a word limit is indicated, the form will not let you enter any more information that exceeds the defined limit.
- The Organising Committee will begin reviewing the submissions while the Call for Speakers is open.
- The Closing Date for submissions is 31 May 2024
- Successful applicants will be notified by end of June 2024
- Presentations are to be submitted for approval by 16 August 2024
- Speaker deadline to register online as a ‘speaker’ by 01 September 2024
- EAPA-SA is a non-profit organisation and does not pay for travel and accommodation of speakers
PLEASE DO NOT create your proposal while you are online as you may lose your work.
How To Complete Your Speaker Application Form:
Information marked with an asterisk (*) will be displayed EXACTLY AS YOU ENTER IT on the website and published in the programme. Where a word limit is indicated, the form will not let you progress if your entry exceeds the defined limit.
Personal Information (For you, your co-presenter and panellists, if any).
- Title*
- Name (First & Last)*
- Suffix*
- Degree/s*
- Council Registration*
- Please confirm if you are registered with the HPCSA, SACSSP or any other council or statutory body? Please state the name of the body and your registration number? Write “n/a” if this does not apply to you
- Email*
- Cell Phone Number*
- Landline telephone number*
- Company Name*
- Company Address (Province/State and Country) *
- Your Photo
- Please upload a high-resolution head and shoulder photo of yourself for the programme and the website
Presentation Information
- Will you be presenting with another speaker? Yes or No
- And, if so, who will that be with?
- Please provide their 50 word bio.
- Type of Presentation*
- Plenary or
- Training Workshop (2 hours) or
- Research Poster Presentation
- Traditional or Non-Traditional Presentation?
- If Non-Traditional, will you be including any additional unorthodox material or equipment in your presentation?
- Please list these
- Please note that the organisers and hosts will not provide any handouts, equipment, stationery or materials – this is your responsibility and for your account.
- Content Focus Area*
- ThriveForward Initiatives
- Mental Health
- Burnout and Solutions
- AI and Technology
- Diversity and Inclusion
- EA Industry Ethics
- Research and Findings
- Presentation Title*
- What kind of microphone would you like for your presentation?
- Lapel Microphone
- Countryman Headset
- Podium/Lectern Microphone
- Handheld Microphone
- Biographical Information related to the topic*
- This information should inform the Organising Committee of your professional experiences and/or academic qualifications related to the abstract. Prepare a descriptive paragraph or two rather than a resume (350 word limit).
- Biography for Publication*
- This will be published in the programme and on the website
- It is not necessary to repeat any contact information (such as title, company) in this brief biography (50 word limit).
- Your Speaking Experience
- List three (3) content relevant speaking experiences (include dates, venues, topics presented and audience size).
Abstract Information
- A rich description of your session.
- 500 word limit
Audience/Objectives/Other Information
- Session description*
- Marketing language designed to attract attendees (100 word limit).
- Learning objectives*
- Must be behaviourally-based and observable. (e.g. attendees will be able to: 1. demonstrate a specific skill; 2. create a specific process, etc.).
- Text entered here will be used for obtaining CPD credit and publication.
- Audience Level
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Would you like to present at local Chapter Seminars
- Yes or No
- Which of your contact details can we share with delegates?
- Email Address – Yes or No
- Cell Phone Number – Yes or No
- Work Number – Yes or No
- Please indicate the type(s) of delegate material you will be providing. You may select more than one option:
- Your Full Slide Deck (PDF Format): A complete PDF version of your presentation slides.
- A Summarised Version of My Presentation: A condensed version of your presentation, highlighting key points and takeaways.
- A PDF One Pager About My Presentation: A concise one-page summary of your presentation, including its rationale and conclusions.
- I would like my One Pager printed out and displayed in the exhibition area after my presentation
- If we record the proceedings of the event, do we have your permission to publish the recording?
- Do you have any Specific Requirements? ie. dietary, seating, other
- At the end of the submission form, you will be asked if you and your co-presenter/panelists agree to all the terms in the Speaker Terms & Conditions
- (it should be a tick box yes – there is not an option to say no)
If you have any queries about your application, please contact Demi.
EnOv8 Event Management
Tel: 021 447 0321
If you have read through all the pages, now you can complete your application:
Once you have read all the pages, you can begin to create your application. Download the word document here: this Word Document template
Once you have completed your application on the word document, copy and paste the content into the online form: click here.