Ms Romi Kaplan – Emotional First Aid Protocol for Stress Reduction | EAPA-SA

EmotionAid – Emotional First Aid Protocol for Stress Reduction

Tuesday 15 March 2022: 10am – 12pm

Content Focus Area: EAP-CLINICAL: Evolution within counselling areas in the next normal


Presentation Abstract:

We will start with the theory of Somatic Experiencing on which EmotionAid is based, describing how after a critical incident our bodies enter the trauma vortex. Often we release the stress accumulated and the healing vortex. When the stress is prolonged or traumatic, the energy can get stuck. Understanding the mechanisms of stress is empowering and allows the acquisition of practical tools on a solid theoretical basis. It is the first step in our teaching.  We will show a short clip to demonstrate this.

Each participant will assess in the session their stress level on a scale. We will show a slide and briefly talk about the brain model, and how the protocol is based on the latest theories from neuro-physiology and trauma (Eg Peter Levine , Dan Siegel and Bessel van der Kolk) . We will then look at the language of sensations, what it is like in a high stress mode versus a relaxed felt sense. This will turn participants attention to becoming aware of stress activation in our bodies.

We will demonstrate the first 3 steps of the EmotionAid protocol which aims to deactivate the individual from the stress response. To overcome our daily challenges and regain control, we use grounding to help us reconnect to the here and now. When we are experiencing a high level of stress or traumatic shock, we disconnect from our body. We often feel unstable. Connecting to the ground helps us create a sense of security. The 3 steps in EA are called are the butterfly tap, basic grounding, and self soothing and regulation. We will practice these exercises together.

We will discuss step 4, Discharge and show video evidence of discharge.
Step 5 is about resources and how they help us. Resources are infinite and an essential component of our balance and comfort. A resource can be any person, place, object, memory, positive experience, action, or personal quality that evokes soothing and calm feelings or provides us with a sense of strength. We will work together for participants to start creating a personal resources list.
We will then demonstrate the 5 steps of EmotionAid with a volunteer participant integrating the different steps into one demonstration..
We will leave time for questions and answers.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Will be able to identify stress response in the body
  2. Apply self grounding tools for calming
  3. Create personal resource list for strength based thinking and action”

Our seminars are limited to 500 people.

If you do not manage to get into the seminar,

please watch the seminar live on our Facebook page.

Ms Romi Kaplan

Ms Romi Kaplan

Director @The Counselling Hub

Romi Kaplan is a UK trained psychotherapist (Middlesex and Oxford University) with a background in humanitarian aid. She has specialised in trauma theory (NATAL, TAU) and PTSD (Harvard University), working with counsellors and non profit workers. In 2019 she co-founded the Counselling Hub, Woodstock as site to that offers equal access to mental health services. With the advent of COVID 19 she recognised the need for a tool that HCW could access with a small demand on their time. To this end, the Counselling Hub has accessed international training in EmotionAid from the International Trauma Institute, a tool already being used to assist HCW. We are keen to share the protocol with other professionals for personal and professional use. Romi is a trained facilitator (CDRA) and loves engaging with other professionals in a learning environment.