Substance Abuse During the Pandemic and the Effects of Prohibition
Friday 21 August 10am – 11:30am
Content Focus Area: Lessons from the Pandemic frontline
Presentation Abstract: For many individuals in treatment the isolation and increased stress that the pandemic has brought with it has made the road to recovery more challenging, and for many who unwittingly use alcohol or nicotine to manage mild mental health issues such as anxiety, this has been a difficult time. The prohibition on both alcohol and cigarette sales has also had its impact on many.
The presentation will cover:
• The current context of substance abuse in South Africa
• The process of addiction
• The intention behind the ban of cigarettes sales and the alcohol prohibition
• The impact of Lockdown on substance abuse
• Possible signs and symptoms of substance abuse in the workplace
• The opposite of addiction is connection: the threat of isolation, and the importance of connecting and accessing help for substance abuse issues
• Thoughts on the way forward for the workplace and EAP practitioners
Learning Objectives:
1. Attendees will be able to identify signs and symptoms of substance abuse.
2. Attendees will be able to understand addiction as a progressive, diagnosable disease.
3. Attendees will have practical ideas to implement to address the issue of substance abuse problems in the workplace.
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Mrs. Carol Venter
ICAS: Client Services Manager
Carol Venter is a Social Worker who started her career at SANCA Alcohol & Drug Central Eastern Cape in 1997 and went on to hold the position of Director until leaving the Organisation in 2006. Carol lectured the substance abuse courses for the Rhodes University Social Work Department for many years and is a treatment professional with the National Responsible Gambling Programme.
Carol Venter has recently completed her Masters in Occupational Social Work at Wits University. Her research study was on substance abuse in the workplace and the impact of the short-term, solution focused approached used by EAP’s in the problem. Mrs. Venter has 8 years experience in the EAP field and have been actively involved in the substance abuse and addiction field for over 20 years through her work at educational institutions, NGOs, in the EAP field and in private practice. The topic of substance abuse and addiction is truly her passion!