Membership benefits | EAPA-SA

Individual Membership Benefits

Employee Assistance Professionals Association of South Africa (EAPA-SA) is the official voice of the Employee Assistance (EA) profession in South Africa. It seeks to ensure the highest level of professional standards, ethics and continuing development of EA Professionals; Practitioners and Service Providers in the delivery of EA.

EAPA-SA Individual Membership Benefits 

  • Being listed on the national learners database by SAQA: EAPA-SA offers an opportunity to be listed on the national learners database by SAQA 
  • Being placed on a register of members: This provides proof of your membership as well as the benefit of being visible to Potential employers
  • Being linked to a Professional Association: Gain the credibility of being linked to the leader in EAP in South Africa. 
  • Obtaining a designation: Read more about designations and certifications here
  • Having access to the latest articles and information in the field: EAPA-SA researches and writes 3-4 new articles and publishes interviews every month which are published on Some articles are for public access and some are for members only. These members only articles are locked and can be viewed by members who are logged in. 
  • Online information. EAPA-SA maintains a comprehensive website with a secure ‘members only’ section, links to external resources
  • University of Pretoria Research: EAPA-SA provides professional Exclusive Members Access to the Theses and Dissertations from the Social Work and Criminology Department at University of Pretoria via 
  • EAPA-SA Events: EAPA-SA hosts a range of events and Members are encouraged to get involved as delegates and speakers. These events provide Members with ample opportunities to learn, earn CPD points, network and be on the forefront of developments in our industry.
    • Annual EAPA-SA Events: Each year, EAPA-SA hosts its annual Eduweek devoted to employee assistance, bringing together EAP leaders and professionals from around the country to share their knowledge and experience and to help identify and shape trends for the future. Our Eduweek won the award for best Association Large Conference in Africa in 2018 and 2019. 
    • Exciting online events: EAPA-SA is in the process of developing online events for our members to attend during lock down 
    • Events and seminars arranged by Chapters: EAPA-SA Chapters provide a large and diverse network of opportunities for professional networking, continuing education, and peer-to-peer engagement
  • SACSSP & HPCSA CPD Points: can be earned at the annual Eduweek event and other events that are advertised via the EAPASA platforms 
  • Network with your peers: The EAPA-SA Eduweek is one of the best ways to meet and network with other EAP professionals. This annual Eduweek brings together EAP leaders from around the globe to share their knowledge and experience. Local Chapter meetings provide regional opportunities for members to share learnings with their peers and an additional networking opportunity.
  • Follow EAPA-SA on Social Media: We use LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to advertise opportunities to interact with other members, share information, ask questions, and discuss topics that affect your work and life
  • EAPA-SA’s Monthly Newsletter: Researched articles, interviews and contributions from our industry experts are disseminated to our database 
  • Mobile App: EAPA-SA has our own mobile app which we use to advertise opportunities to interact with other members, share information, ask questions, and discuss topics that affect your work and life
  • Discounts: Up to 10% off in Short Courses at University of Pretoria and Tsogo Sun 10% discount (limited to Luxury and Full Service Hotels)