Office Manager
Theresa Vika
About Theresa
Question 1: What is your background and how long have you been with EAPA-SA?
I am an Alumni of the University of Port Elizabeth, which is now known as the Nelson Mandela University, and joined EAPA-SA in 2017. I hold a Bcom Degree, having majored in Business Economics.
Question 2: What part of your role at EAPA-SA do you enjoy the most, and what would you say is the most challenging?
I love woking with people, and helping and making a positive difference in their lives.
It grieves me when people apply for membership with the sole intent of what they can gain, often forgetting that they also need to plough back and ensure the growth of the association. A point in case is where businesss only apply for membership for the sole reason of obtaining a tender. They then disapper only to reappear when the next tender comes around.
Question 3: What are the top 3 benefits of being a member of EAPA-SA?
1. Being part of a SAQA Recognised Professional Association such as EAPA-SA gives one credibility in the corporate space.
2. Being a member of EAPA-SA affords one an oppoprtunity to interact, network and share ideas with like-minded individuals, as well as learn from poeple who are in a different field to yours.
3. As a result of EAPA-SA memberhip, one also receives a discount on EAP courses from Enterprise University of Pretoria. As an EAPA-SA member, you have the opportunity to make a difference in growing the profession, all it takes is your active involvement and participation in the Association.
To read more about EAPA-SA Membership benefits and application thereof, follow this link: https://www.eapasa.co.za/membership/eapasa-membership-benefits/
Contact Details:
Email: officemanager@eapasa.co.za
Phone: 012 346 4430