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Steps to Attend Eduweek 2023

Step 1: Register

Request a quote by completing the online form.

Step 2: Quote

You will receive your quote within 48 hours.

Step 3: Approval

Send us approval on the quote via a signed Purchase Order or request an invoice before 01 September 2023 to secure your booking.

Step 4: Payment

Make full payment on the invoice and send proof of payment to

Important Note on Invoices:

  • Once you request an invoice, EAPA-SA will make a booking at the venue on your behalf and you are liable for payment in full on that invoice before 01 September 2023.
  • Your booking will be confirmed once you send an official, signed purchase order or pay in full and send proof of payment to
  • Combining Quotes and Invoices: If you are part of a group from the same Department or Company that would like to attend, please register each individual one by one. Then send the organisers a request via email to to combine your invoice or quote, along with the list of the names in your group.
  • Splitting Invoices: If your invoice is going to be paid from two or more different budgets (example: a training budget and a travel budget) please advise this when you register so that we can create two invoices for you

We started 2022 on an already exhausted and bruised note. Last year was a mad scramble as the world reopened after setbacks caused by Covid and its safety protocols. EAP Practitioners, and organisations within the EAP industry, joined client organisations, HR departments, allied specialists and the world in making up time and trying to catch up on other losses. 

While organisations engaged in the catch-up frenzy, Employee Wellness practitioners tried to support leaders, teams, employees and their families through increasing mental and physical health burdens, despite themselves experiencing high levels of burnout and compassion fatigue. 

In 2023, it’s time to breathe, pause and reflect on what we have to rebuild within our lives and the economy. Some of those in EAP have already had the opportunity to slow down a little. EAPA-SA believes that going forward, the mad scramble can give way to exploring and implementing lessons learned and so pave the way to a New Generation Workplace. Mad catch-up can give way to quality control. We can pause to take stock of where we are now, because we have adjusted somewhat to the disruption and a new reality. We can create a new vision … a new path going forward. 

In Person Event Programme



Monday 18 September Masterclass Workshops from 9am to 5pm Dinner at your leisure
Tuesday 19 September Plenary speaker sessions from 9am to 5pm Networking event
Wednesday 20 September

Plenary speaker sessions from 9am to 5pm

Dinner at your leisure
Thursday 21 September Plenary speaker sessions from 9am to 5pm Presidential Awards Dinner




The EAPA-SA Eduweek is the largest annual gathering of EAP professionals in South Africa – the only event of its kind, attended by EAP and HR professionals from across Africa, Europe and the Americas. Eduweek endeavours to provide up to date information and thinking while offering a platform that fosters interactive communication around industry-related topics. This 4-day event takes place in an exciting venue each year. The event focuses on education, networking and peer engagement, and industry awards and recognition. EAPA-SA’s commitment to creating positive change through education and training is communicated in the event name.


Join the South African Employee Assistance community at the EAPA-SA’s annual Eduweek 2023. Knowledgeable contributors will be bringing us new thinking on long-standing EAP issues as well as sharing new trends and innovative ways to tackle new-era EAP issues within the ‘post-lockdown’ workplace. 


The EAPA-SA Eduweek provides a platform to learn from experts in the field as well as keeping abreast with the latest developments in the field. It carries a maximum of 16 continuous professional development (CPD) points which are mandatory to professionals in the field of employee health and wellness.

The benefits of attendance and participation can be summarized as follows:

To receive training aligned to the identified skills as reflected in the employee’s personal development plan.

For Employee Wellness this is the only association that exists in SA for professionals to be trained on recent developments.

To obtain the continuous professional development (CPD) points which are required by the relevant professional statutory body as a mandatory requirement.

Eduweek brings together professionals, service providers and industry experts, showcasing the latest resources in the EA industry as well as providing opportunities to network with peers and industry leaders.

The Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place during Eduweek, thereby allowing members to actively contribute to governance and the strategic direction of Employee Wellness in South Africa.

When completing your registration you may opt in to apply and pay for a one-year membership or membership renewal with the Association. The membership fees are necessary to ensure the highest level of practice. The programme content of Eduweek is quality assured by topmost EAP specialists in South Africa to ensure optimal learning.


Eduweek caters to CEOs, HR Directors, Wellness Practitioners, Occupational Health & Safety, Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Labour Relations, Transformation Specialists, Organisational Development Managers and HIV & Aids Coordinators.

We will host our Eduweek at Wild Coast Sun in Port Edward.

Welcome to Wild Coast Sun!

Less than a two hour scenic drive along the South Coast from Durban’s King Shaka International Airport, the Wild Coast Sun is a family-friendly resort that offers premium accommodation and leisure activities which include amongst the finest golf courses and water parks in South Africa.

The Wild Coast Sun is one of Sun International’s most popular and exotic properties. The casino group’s renowned for their string of casino and hotel complexes, but very few can match the setting of this one or the facilities it has to offer. The casino boasts the usual variety of slots and tables, with the Plantation Room providing a particularly opulent experience, with black jack and roulette tables alongside a smoking bar and great views of the property and the sea.

Eduweek Organising Committee

Thiloshni Govender

Thiloshni Govender


Radhi Vandayar

Radhi Vandayar

President Elect

Bernie Roberson

Bernie Roberson

Eduweek Convener

Dr Marion Borcherds

Dr Marion Borcherds

Sponsorships & Stakeholders

Joel Mzwandile Gumede

Joel Mzwandile Gumede


Jimmy Lenong

Jimmy Lenong


Dr Pravesh Bhoodram

Dr Pravesh Bhoodram
