Call for Speakers


EAPA-SA encourages presentations that offer innovative solutions to today’s challenges, stimulate inventive thinking, test new ideas and propose creative strategies for marketing, delivering, organising, evaluating, improving and adding value to EA and wellness services.


1. Plenary sessions:

Each day’s programme has plenary sessions of 45 minutes in length (30 minute presentation; 15 min – questions). Panel discussions will also be included in the plenary sessions.

2. Research Poster Presentations:

The time allocation to your presentation will be a total of 15 minutes. Your findings should be presented over a period of 7-10 minutes and the Q&A session will make up the balance of your time. You can provide an A1 poster for display in the exhibition venue.

3. Master Class Workshops:

Interactive and engaging workshops that allow the audience to delve into the subject with introspection, exercises and team work. The thinking should be facilitated by you. Our training workshops are 2 hours each and are spread across the programme.


Sessions may be delivered by 1 (ONE) presenter, 2 (TWO) co-presenters or panels of up to 4 (FOUR) members, or they may take a more novel approach to learning, such as a debate, role-play, simulation, or game. Proposals should exemplify state-of-the-art knowledge, practice, research or skills in one of the focus areas for this year’s programme. More information on this year’s Themes and Topics are on this page.

We will do our best to create the speaking schedule in a way that allows for your specific seating layout request. Please note that sometimes this may not be possible due to time constraints in changing the room. We will endeavour to give you the layout closest to what you request.

Technical Provisions

EAPA-SA provides a standard room set-up for each session. Please plan to load all presentation materials on the computer provided, and utilise microphones for presenter and audience comments:

The standard includes:

  • A Windows-based computer with a DVD player;
  • LCD projector, stand and screen;
  • Podium and table for panelists, if any;
  • One (1) podium microphone;
  • One (1) wireless microphone (audience use only, please).


Presenters with special audio-visual or technical needs or requests should include a description of their requests in their proposals. Where possible and practical, special equipment requests may be accommodated, at the presenter’s expense (details of cost will be discussed prior to approval).

Key Provisions of the agreement include:

  • APPLY AND SUBMIT – All speakers are to apply and submit their abstracts online at this link (link). No speaker application will be accepted via any other format.
  • TECHNICAL AND AUDIO-VISUAL – EAPA-SA will provide technical and audio-visual equipment (as described above) in each session.
  • PROMOTE AND PUBLICISING – EAPA-SA will publicise and promote each session and presenter by including brief descriptions online, in the printed Eduweek programme, and possibly other venues.
  • TRAVEL EXPENSES – EAPA-SA does not provide honoraria. Presenters agree to pay their own travel and accommodation expenses.
  • ATTENDANCE – Speakers can attend the Eduweek sessions, on the day of their presentation, free of charge. Should the presenter/s wish to attend any other day of the Eduweek programme, a discounted fee will be provided to you after you have registered online as a delegate.
  • ONLINE REGISTRATION – If your application is successful, online registration of all speakers as a delegate is compulsory.
  • MARKETING – Presenters may only promote or sell products or services for 2 minutes before, or after their session. Presenters agree to ONLY present educational material during their presentation.
  • DEADLINE FOR MATERIALS – Presenters agree to provide all PowerPoint, video, audio, hand-outs and any other materials utilised during the session to EAPA-SA in advance of the Eduweek by the materials deadline.
  • PRINTING OF MATERIALS – EAPA-SA does not print or copy handouts or any other materials for speakers.
  • RESEARCH POSTERS – Research Posters should be A1 in size, and are to be delivered to the Eduweek organisers no later than 10am on the day before the event, 17 September 2023).
  • HAND-OUTS – Presenters may prepare and distribute hardcopies of hand-outs during sessions. If hand-outs are to be distributed during the session:
    • Presenters are responsible for preparing and making a minimum of 400 copies per handout;
    • Hand outs should be given to the organising team at least 12 hours before your session;
    • EAPA-SA staff cannot create additional copies on-site;
    • Speakers are responsible for collecting and removing the balance of any copies not used; EAPA-SA will not be responsible for sending or posting copies back to speakers.


Please contact us if you have any questions.

EnOv8 Event Management
Tel: 021 447 0321