Closing Date for Nominations








In accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of The Employee Assistance Professionals Association of South Africa (EAPA-SA), notice is hereby given of the intention to re-open the nomination process, on Monday 20th March 2017, for election of board members at the 2017 Annual General Meeting.

The decision was based on there being an insufficient number of nominations.

Registered members of EAPA-SA are required to nominate eligible candidates to serve in the EAPA-SA Board for a Five (5) years term of office which will officially commence in November 2018.

Nomination Criteria

  1. Nominators should be a registered EAPA-SA member.
  1. The nominations shall be done through submission of an official EAPA-SA nomination form.
  1. No individual member shall be allowed to submit more than one nomination
  1. Nominees should comply with the following:
  • Be a registered EAPA-SA member for at least 2 years
  • Be actively involved in Chapter activities (e.g. Attending Chapter meetings)
  • Be suitably qualified as a professional in the field of employee assistance and/or wellness or related field; Should it come to light that any Board member duly elected to serve on the EAPA-SA Board does not meet any of the criteria stated above, the Board reserves the right to remove such an individual from the Board.


Rejection of Nominations

  1. The President in consultation with the President Elect may reject any nomination, should such a nominated candidate fail to meet the criteria.
  1. Nomination forms not duly completed or not submitted on time will not be considered.
  1. Nominated candidates who fail or refuse to accept their nomination in writing will have their nominations nullified.


Nominations should be lodged by one of the following options on the attached form:

  1. Posted to: P.O Box: 11167, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028
  1. Hand delivered to: Brooklyn Medpark, 1148 Jan Shoba Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0001
  1. Lodged electronically via Email to:   


All nominations must be in by no later than 16h00 Friday 21st April 2017.

Please note that the nomination process will commence on Monday 20th March 2017and will run for a full month until 16h00 Friday 21st April 2017. No nominations will be accepted after the closing date and time.